
Asiasn review of Financial research

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Asian Review of Financial Research Vol.18 No.2 pp.1-39
The Effect of a Disparity between Cashflow Right and Voting Right on Firm Value and Performance:The Case of Korean Large Business Groups
Won Kang Samsung Economic Research Institute
Hyun-Han Shin Yonsei University
Jin-Ho Chang Yonsei University
Key Words : 대규모 기업집단,재벌,지배-소유 괴리도,기업가치,경영성과


Using the ownership structure of large business groups, we investigate the effect of a disparity between cash flow right and voting right of business group member firms on their firm value and performance. We find that there is no significant negative relation between the disparity and the firm value proxied by market-to-book ratio. Using the multivariate regression using control variables such as firm size, capital structure, and firm age that might affect firm value, we also failed to find a statistically significant relation between the disparity and the firm value. In order to control for a possible endogeneity problem of the disparity, we use the firm value three years after the measure of the disparity as welll as two-stage least squares method. However, the results are qualitatively the same. In addition to the analysis of publicly traded member firms, we include private firms to investigate the relation beween the disparity and the operating performance such as operating income return on asset and EBITDA return on asset. We also fail to find any significant relation between the disparity and operating performance in the univariate analysis as well as in the regression analysis. The findings in this paper do not support the notion that the disparity negatively affects the firm value and operating performance of large business group member firms.
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