
Asiasn review of Financial research

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Asian Review of Financial Research Vol.15 No.1 pp.49-77
The Long-run and Short-run Stock Returns to Investors in Privatization IPOs : An International Evidence
Seung-Doo Choi Dongeui University, Korea
Key Words : 민영화,신규공모주,보유기간초과수익률,붓스트랩 메소드,이상치 검출


This paper compares long-run buy-and-h이 d returns of privatization initial public offerings to those of domestic stock markets of respective countries using a sample of 204 privatization initial public offerings from 37 countries. The evidence indicates that the privatization IPOs significantly outperform their domestic stock markets. However. there are substantial variations in the long-run performance of privatization IPOs across industries. issuing countries. and offer size. In addition to comparing privatization IPO returns to the market return. the time serial determinants of long-run buy-and-h이 d returns of privatization shares are analyzed. The results indicate that the long-run performance of privatization IPOs is closely related to the proxies of policy uncertainty. consistent with the signaling models of Perotti (1995) and Biais and Perotti (1997)
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