
Asiasn review of Financial research


HOMEReviewer Reviewer

This is the guideline for reviewers. All of the journal's manuscripts are subject to peer-review by two reviewers.

i) Double blind peer review
Asian Review of Financial Research (ARFR) adopts double blind review, which means that the reviewers and authors cannot identify each others' information. The Editor-in-Chief selects an associate editor and two referees are nominated by the associate editor.
ii) Role of reviewers
(A) The role of reviewers is to advise associated editors as well as editors on manuscript to revise, reject, or accept.
(B) The reviewers must comply with the Research Ethics Guidelines
(C) The reviewers should have no conflict of interest. If the referees recognizes the identity of the applicant and the evaluation cannot be fairly made, they should voluntarily decline to be appointed as reviewers
(D) The reviewer should not disclose the information obtained from the review process to the public and reviewed paper are managed confidentially. Also they should not use the content of the manuscript obtained from the review process.
(E) Reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
(F) Reviewers' opinion should be based on sufficient evidence and should not include personal viewpoints without providing sufficient evidence.
(G) The reviewers should complete the review within 30 days since that accept the review.
iii) Ethical guideline for reviewers
(A) Any information acquired during the review process is confidential
(B) If the review has any conflict of interest please informed to the editor.
(C) Reviewer should not use any information acquired from the manuscript in review.
iv) Review report
The review report includes the title of the paper, the summary of the paper, the major comments which contains the contribution of the paper, the validity of the research methodology, and overall evaluation. In overall evaluation, the reviewers should provide the specific comments for example, Revise and resubmission, reject, accept etc.)