Asian Review of Financial Research
Corporate Divestiture Methods and Announcement Effects : Equity Spin-offs vs. Captive Spin-offs
Hyung Cheol Kang, Sangwon Lee
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.38 No.1 pp.1-36
Keyword : Equity Spin-off,Captive Spin-off,Divestiture,Signaling Effect,Information Asymmetry
Corporate Divestiture Methods and Announcement Effects : Equity Spin-offs vs. Captive Spin-offs
Corporate Divestiture Methods and Announcement Effects : Equity Spin-offs vs. Captive Spin-offs
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The Risk-Return Trade-off of Real Estate as an Asset Class in Korea : Evidence from the Last Half Century
Dojoon Park, Jaehoon Hahn, Yong Ho Eom
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.38 No.1 pp.37-87
Keyword : Real Estates,Long Span Data,Nominal Return,Real Return,Risk Premium
The Risk-Return Trade-off of Real Estate as an Asset Class in Korea : Evidence from the Last Half Century
The Risk-Return Trade-off of Real Estate as an Asset Class in Korea : Evidence from the Last Half Century
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The Impact of Pandemics and Wars on the Integration of Capital Markets : The Case of South Korea and the United States
Jinho Jeong, Kyunghyun Kim, Geesun Lee
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.38 No.1 pp.89-119
Keyword : Pandemic,War,Geopolitical Risk,Macroeconomic Crisis,Capital Market Integration
The Impact of Pandemics and Wars on the Integration of Capital Markets : The Case of South Korea and the United States
The Impact of Pandemics and Wars on the Integration of Capital Markets : The Case of South Korea and the United States
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The Best Option Pricing Model for Mini KOSPI 200 Options
Sol Kim
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.38 No.1 pp.121-151
Keyword : Ad Hoc Black-Scholes,Mini Options,Options Pricing Model,Ad Hoc Black-Scholes,Stochastic Volatility,Jumps
The Best Option Pricing Model for Mini KOSPI 200 Options
The Best Option Pricing Model for Mini KOSPI 200 Options
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재무연구 편집위원회 운영내규 외
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.38 No.1 pp.152-161
Keyword :
재무연구 편집위원회 운영내규 외
재무연구 편집위원회 운영내규 외
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The Terra-Luna Collapse and the Role of the Anchor Protocol : A Bird's Eye View of the Crash
Jaewon Choi, Shu-Feng Wang
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.37 No.4 pp.1-32
Keyword : Cryptocurrency,Stablecoin,Financial fragility,Terra(UST)-Luna Crash,Decentralized Savings Protocol
The Terra-Luna Collapse and the Role of the Anchor Protocol : A Bird's Eye View of the Crash
The Terra-Luna Collapse and the Role of the Anchor Protocol : A Bird's Eye View of the Crash
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Comparing Valuation Measures as a Predictor of the Value Premium
Jeewon Jang
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.37 No.4 pp.33-67
Keyword : Value premium,Value factor,Book-to-market effect,Retained earnings,Spanning regression
Comparing Valuation Measures as a Predictor of the Value Premium
Comparing Valuation Measures as a Predictor of the Value Premium
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What Information Do Investors Care About? Evidence in the Korean Mutual Fund Market
Min-Yeon Han, Haemin Park, Moonkyung Choi, Hyoung-goo Kang
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.37 No.4 pp.69-105
Keyword : Asset pricing model,Investment signal,Mutual funds,Fund flows,Financial Literacy
What Information Do Investors Care About? Evidence in the Korean Mutual Fund Market
What Information Do Investors Care About? Evidence in the Korean Mutual Fund Market
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Overconfident Manager Puzzle : Are Optimistic CEOs Innovators?
Hae Rin Choi, Jinho Byun
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.37 No.4 pp.107-134
Keyword : Optimism,Investment,Innovation,Cash holdings,Firm value
Overconfident Manager Puzzle : Are Optimistic CEOs Innovators?
Overconfident Manager Puzzle : Are Optimistic CEOs Innovators?
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2024년 재무연구 심사자 현황 외
Asian Review of Financial Research
Vol.37 No.4 pp.135-146
Keyword :
2024년 재무연구 심사자 현황 외
2024년 재무연구 심사자 현황 외
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