
Asiasn review of Financial research

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Asian Review of Financial Research Vol.15 No.1 pp.251-272
Asymmetric inforamtion and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle
Gyutaeg Oh ChungAng University
Kyuhyong Kim ChungAng University
Chae-Yeol Yang ChungAng University
Key Words : 비대칭정보,폐쇄형 뮤추얼 펀드,경쟁 하에서의 합리적기대균형 (Competitive Rational Expectations Equilibrium),금융중개,펀드메니저


We present a competitive rational expectations equilibrium model to explain the closed-end fund puzzle, where the price of the closed-end mutual fund deviates from the net asset value of the fund. We show that the closed-end fund puzzle can be explained as an equilibrium phenomenon which arises from an institutional feature of the fund when the fund manager has private information. In the equilibrium of the model , information asymmetry still remains and, therefore, the closed-end fund is not a redundant asset to the uninformed investors The price of the fund deviates from the net asset value by a value of information, which is determined by the quality of the information, the investment strategy of the fund, and a liquidiry shock.
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