
Asiasn review of Financial research

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Asian Review of Financial Research Vol.18 No.1 pp.31-67
A Study On the Behavior of Fund Investors and Fund Managers
Young-Kyu Park Sungkyunkwan University
Key Words : 주식형펀드,펀드운용성과,펀드현금흐름,투자행태


This research investigates the relationship between the performance and cashflow of equity fund based on monthly as well as weekly data. Several interesting result are found. First, I found that both simple excess return over benchmark and risk adjusted excess return are important determinant of equity fund cashflow. Second, it is also found that fund size, age, beta, SMB coefficient, and HML coefficient play significant roles to determine the cashflow of equity fund. Third, not only the performance of individual fund, but also the performance of same category funds and of investment company seems to determine the cashflow of individual fund. On the other hand, there was no evidence that cashflow in general influence the performance of equity fund. Only large amount of cash outflows have negative impact on equity fund performance and make fund managers respond with the increase in the risk level trying to recover the loss.
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