
Asiasn review of Financial research

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Asian Review of Financial Research Vol.16 No.2 pp.1-29
Stalth Trading on the Korea Stock Market
Hyuk Choe Respectively, Associate Professor, Seoul National University
Jay M. Chung Research Fellow, Korea Securities Research Institute
Woo-Baik Lee Ph.D. Candidate, Seoul National University
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USing a transactions database for stocks traded on the Korea Stock Exchange, we find strong evidence supporting the stealth trading hypothesis advanced by Barclay and Warner (1993). Medium-size trades are associated with a disproportionately large cumulative price change relative to their proportion of all trades , share vOlume, and won v이 ume. We also find that the price contribution of medium-size trades increases as the measurement interval increases. This result indicates that medium-size trades contain information on medium- to long-term price trends. Small-size trades contribute to the cumulative stock price change negatively, which is consistent with a common perception that small investors tend to chase very short-term profits. Surprisingly, we find evidence suggesting that large-size trades may
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